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Bemi plugs into TypeORM and PostgreSQL to track database changes automatically. It unlocks robust context-aware audit trails and time travel querying inside your application.

This package is a recommended TypeORM integration, enabling you to pass application-specific context when performing database changes. This can include context such as the 'where' (API endpoint, worker, etc.), 'who' (user, cron job, etc.), and 'how' behind a change, thereby enriching the information captured by Bemi.

See this example repo as an Todo app example with TypeORM that automatically tracks and contextualizes all changes.


  • PostgreSQL 14+
  • TypeORM


  1. Install the NPM package
npm install @bemi-db/typeorm
  1. Generate a TypeORM migration file to add lightweight PostgreSQL triggers for passing application context with all data changes into PostgreSQL replication log
npx bemi migration:create ./path-to-migrations-dir
  1. Run pending TypeORM migrations
npx typeorm migration:run


Add an Express middleware to pass application context with all underlying data changes within an HTTP request:

import { setContext } from "@bemi-db/typeorm";
import express, { Request } from "express";
import { AppDataSource } from "./data-source";

const app = express();

// This is where you set any information that should be stored as context with all data changes
setContext(AppDataSource, (req: Request) => ({
endpoint: req.url,
params: req.body,
userId: req.user?.id,

AppDataSource.initialize() // initialize TypeORM connection as normal

Application context:

  • Is bound to the current asynchronous runtime execution context, for example, an HTTP request.
  • Is used only with INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE SQL queries performed via TypeORM. Otherwise, it is a no-op.
  • Is passed directly into PG Write-Ahead Log with data changes without affecting the structure of the database and SQL queries.

Data change tracking

Local database

To test data change tracking and the TypeORM integration with a locally connected PostgreSQL, you need to set up your local PostgreSQL.

First, make sure your database has SHOW wal_level; returning logical. Otherwise, you need to run the following SQL command:

-- Don't forget to restart your PostgreSQL server after running this command
ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_level = logical;

To track both the "before" and "after" states on data changes, please run the following SQL command:


Then, run a Docker container that connects to your local PostgreSQL database and starts tracking all data changes:

docker run \
-e DB_HOST=host.docker.internal \
-e DB_PORT=5432 \
-e DB_USER=postgres \
-e DB_PASSWORD=postgres \

Replace DB_NAME with your local database name. Note that DB_HOST pointing to host.docker.internal allows accessing on your host machine if you run PostgreSQL outside Docker. Customize DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD with your PostgreSQL credentials if needed.

Now try making some database changes. This will add a new record in the changes table within the same local database after a few seconds:

psql postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/[YOUR_DATABASE] -c \
'SELECT "primary_key", "table", "operation", "before", "after", "context", "committed_at" FROM changes;'

primary_key | table | operation | before | after | context | committed_at
26 | todo | CREATE | {} | {"id": 26, "task": "Sleep", "is_completed": false} | {"user_id": 187234, "endpoint": "/todo", "method": "POST", "SQL": "INSERT INTO ..."} | 2023-12-11 17:09:09+00
27 | todo | CREATE | {} | {"id": 27, "task": "Eat", "is_completed": false} | {"user_id": 187234, "endpoint": "/todo", "method": "POST", "SQL": "INSERT INTO ..."} | 2023-12-11 17:09:11+00
28 | todo | CREATE | {} | {"id": 28, "task": "Repeat", "is_completed": false} | {"user_id": 187234, "endpoint": "/todo", "method": "POST", "SQL": "INSERT INTO ..."} | 2023-12-11 17:09:13+00
26 | todo | UPDATE | {"id": 26, "task": "Sleep", "is_completed": false} | {"id": 26, "task": "Sleep", "is_completed": true} | {"user_id": 187234, "endpoint": "/todo/complete", "method": "PUT", "SQL": "UPDATE ..."} | 2023-12-11 17:09:15+00
27 | todo | DELETE | {"id": 27, "task": "Eat", "is_completed": false} | {} | {"user_id": 187234, "endpoint": "/todo/27", "method": "DELETE", "SQL": "DELETE FROM ..."} | 2023-12-11 17:09:18+00

Remote database

Go to Dashboard UI and follow the instructions to connect your hosted PostgreSQL database in a few seconds.


Once the project infrastructure is provisioned, it'll automatically ingest and store all data changes stitched with an application context in a separate serverless PostgreSQL database. You can test the connection by running the following command:

psql postgres://[USERNAME]@[HOSTNAME]:5432/[DATABASE] -c \
'SELECT "primary_key", "table", "operation", "before", "after", "context", "committed_at" FROM changes;'

primary_key | table | operation | before | after | context | committed_at
26 | todo | CREATE | {} | {"id": 26, "task": "Sleep", "is_completed": false} | {"user_id": 187234, "endpoint": "/todo", "method": "POST", "SQL": "INSERT INTO ..."} | 2023-12-11 17:09:09+00
27 | todo | CREATE | {} | {"id": 27, "task": "Eat", "is_completed": false} | {"user_id": 187234, "endpoint": "/todo", "method": "POST", "SQL": "INSERT INTO ..."} | 2023-12-11 17:09:11+00
28 | todo | CREATE | {} | {"id": 28, "task": "Repeat", "is_completed": false} | {"user_id": 187234, "endpoint": "/todo", "method": "POST", "SQL": "INSERT INTO ..."} | 2023-12-11 17:09:13+00
26 | todo | UPDATE | {"id": 26, "task": "Sleep", "is_completed": false} | {"id": 26, "task": "Sleep", "is_completed": true} | {"user_id": 187234, "endpoint": "/todo/complete", "method": "PUT", "SQL": "UPDATE ..."} | 2023-12-11 17:09:15+00
27 | todo | DELETE | {"id": 27, "task": "Eat", "is_completed": false} | {} | {"user_id": 187234, "endpoint": "/todo/27", "method": "DELETE", "SQL": "DELETE FROM ..."} | 2023-12-11 17:09:18+00

See Destination Database for more details.

Data change querying

Lastly, connect directly to the Bemi PostgreSQL database to easily query change data from your application.

To query the read-only historical data, add the Bemi destination database to TypeORM using multiple data source. Configuration setting are found directly on the Bemi dashboard:

import { DataSource } from "typeorm";
import { Change } from "@bemi-db/typeorm";

export const AppDataSource = new DataSource({
type: "postgres",
host: "localhost",
port: 3306,
username: "root",
password: "admin",
database: "db1",
entities: [__dirname + "/entity/*{.js,.ts}"],
synchronize: true,

export const BemiDataSource = new DataSource({
type: "postgres",
name: "bemiRead",
host: "",
port: 5432,
username: "u_9adb30103a55",
password: "password",
database: "db_9adb30103a55",
synchronize: false,
logging: true,
entities: [Change],
migrations: [],
ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false },

Initialize the BemiDataSource the same place you would your main AppDataSource

.then(() => {
console.log("Connected to Bemi");
.catch((error) => {

Querying Changes:

import { Change } from "@bemi-db/typeorm";
import { BemiDataSource } from "./index";

const changeRepository = BemiDataSource.getRepository(Change);

const [changes, changesCount] = await changeRepository.findAndCount();
console.log("All changes: ", changes);
console.log("changes count: ", changesCount);


Distributed under the terms of the LGPL-3.0. If you need to modify and distribute the code, please release it to contribute back to the open-source community.